Trial account

Try a fully functional ClockWise hour registration account two months free of charge including:

  • A complete ClockWise installation
  • Helpdesk on weekdays from 9.00-17.00
  • Trial account ends automatically without further obligation

If you haven't contacted us during the trial period we will contact you once at the end of the trial to ask if you would like to continue the account

Apply for fully functional trial

Request online demo

Request an online consult/demo, free of charge and without obligation!

Transferring to online hourregistration can be quite overwhelming. Luckily, ClockWise had the necessary experience to think along your company needs.

Enter at least a name, company name and e-mail adress, request, and ClockWise will contact you shortly to make a digital appointment.

Together we'll see if ClockWise suits your company!

Request an online demo/consult

Preferred day(s)

What else has ClockWise to offer

Also download

Our apps for mobile, available for iPhone and Android


Call or e-mail us

To get information about the possible connections for data integration


Send your

invoice layout in docx file format. We will put it in your trial account!
