
Flexible projectstructure

Arrange ClockWise as simple or complex as you like
What you put in you can get out. The arrangement of your project is important! With the flexible projectstructure a lot is possible.

  • For anyone who works with hours
  • more companies in one account
  • make your own usergroups
  • works for big organisations

For example a simple implementation with projects ans customers you send your invoices to. Or a complex implementation with several projectmanagers on different project levels and digital customer approval.

The implementations of is important for what kind of data you can get from ClockWise and how you can do the authorization.

flexibele inrichting

(1)Simple - (2)Managers at diffent levels

Case 1: Work together in one account with different organisations on a project


Big building projects, interregional projects, ESF/WBSO Collaboration projects


Use the customer project structure as a project folder structure. Enter the different collaboration partners as division in the division structure
The employees are assigned to the project parts they can work on. Project manager can approve their project hours from employees of different organisations.

Every organistaion can see how many hours their employees have entered. When using purchase tariffs Reversed Billing can be used to send reverse bills to the partners.

samenwerking tussen bedrijven

Case 2: Customer/project with digital customer approval


Employment agencies (IT, Consultants), Interim companies


In the customer/project structure the employment of a employee at a customer is the project. A contact at the customers can be assigned as manager of the 'project' and approve hours entered. A contact receives an e-mail with link when the hours are submitted by the employee (per week or month)After approval the ours can be billed directly.

klantakkoord door contactpersoon

Case 3: Internal hour registration and internal hiring


Hospitals, schools, governmental institues,research and development companies


Use the customer project structure as a project folder structure. Use the customer folder not as a customer but for example as a folder with specific types of projects in it. Or os a folder as a department or location of your companie with it's own projects.

When both projects as employees are entered in departmerts of your company you can report on hours entered by an eployee of one departement for projects of an other department (hiring hours)

Case 4: Several complanies in one accuont.


Mostly companies who are split in different entities over time.


Enter the different entities at the root level as customergroups. Enter the customers in (beneath) thes groups.
User different invoice templates and invoice number series for every entitie.

In the employee structure you can also enter the employees in the different entities.

meerdere bvs

Case 5: usage of Reversed billing


Companies who work with hired employees


Enter your hired personal. Their hours can be billed to your customers and reverse billed to the employee.

Combinations of these different implementations are of course possible.

We gladly help you with it!

Rollen en rechten

ClockWise has some default usergroups
- User (can enter hours and report own hours)
- Administrator (is superuser can do everything)
- Linemanager (to approve employees in it's departement)
- Customer (can approva project hours)

you can add usergroups with different roles and authorizations yourself. Much used is a usergroup for Finance or prejectmanagers