A joint venture of ten companies that deal with damage to buildings as a result of gas extraction in Groningen.
‘‘We invoice, plan, report and record hours with Clockwise. This is all quite smooth and easy. What appeals to me is that as a company you can do much more with the system than just writing hours and sending invoices. There are all kinds of buttons and check marks that you can select, allowing you to look at your dataset in different ways. This not only provides insight into our data, it also saves time and makes my work easier.’’
‘‘Our clients want a data set with every invoice, which states exactly which expert has written hours on which day. We have built around four standard reports in ClockWise, which we can easily fill in for every new job. As a result, we are ready quickly and our client is also satisfied. Previously it took a lot of time to make such a data set clear.’’
‘‘For 10BE we work together with ten companies. It is handy that all our partners work in the same system. For example, we can send our invoices centrally to our clients "at the front" and we can make an invoice specification for our partners "at the back" for the part that they can charge to us. That works well-arranged and efficiently. What I also appreciate are the short lines. If I ask a question, I have a response within a day. Clockwise is small enough to be flexible and large enough to be stable. That is very nice.’’
Want to know more about Archipunt? Go to www.archipunt.nl